Renewable Energy Land Services

BESS l CCS l Solar and Wind

Twisted Land Company (TLC) is dedicated to safeguarding your investment by delivering the expertise, cost-effectiveness, and top-tier land services that your clean energy project merits. Our team excels in swiftly mobilizing and demobilizing staff to adapt to the evolving requirements of any project. With our profound understanding of working with landowners, landowner coalitions, and regulatory agencies, TLC ensures seamless progress for your renewable energy initiatives.

Our comprehensive services encompass:

  • BESS (Battery Storage)
  • CCS (Carbon Capture)
  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Lease & Waiver Land Acquisition
  • Marketable & Mineral Title Examination
  • Land Surveying
  • Landowner Outreach
  • Routing & Siting Analysis
  • Utility Coordination & Interconnect Agreements
  • Development & Construction Payments & Reconciliation
  • Environmental Planning & Permitting
  • Cultural Resources Management
  • TLC Land Records Management
  • Risk Analysis & Due Diligence for Build-Transfer & Power Purchase Agreements

With over two decades of experience, TLC has adeptly negotiated on behalf of our clients, fostering fair and equitable settlements with thousands of property owners, lease holders, and interest holders nationwide. Our track record not only speaks to our negotiation prowess but also underscores our commitment to cultivating positive relationships with property owners and community leaders alike.