
September 20, 2023

In Business Development, you are not just building relationships and networking for the ability to create partnerships with other businesses, you are also taking a good hard look at your current internal staff to see where some could possibly move around to be able to help them bring out the best version of themselves not only for their internal growth, but for your overall Business’s performance and productivity. So many people over the years have said “I left because …” and it ends up being due to hiring in a new person to “train” rather than promoting within.

This post resonated with me today after a conversation I had earlier, in our talk the discussion of highlighting specific attributes and traits of one employee can lead to a whole other position for them in time. Meaning “internal promotion”, instead of hiring a new person to have to get them up to speed.

Sometimes it takes a scroll on LI to humble those thoughts, right?

Happy Saturday!


December 29, 2023


Your team at Twisted Land Company